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About the Orchid Plant

Orchid plants are renowned for their delicate beauty and exotic appeal. They bring a touch of elegance and tranquility to any space, making them a favorite among plant lovers. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or new to plant care, orchids are a perfect choice for adding a splash of color and sophistication to your home.

Our Orchid Collection

Explore our diverse selection of orchid plants available at Plantzone. Our collection includes popular varieties like Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Ground Orchids, Vanda, and many more types of orchids. Each variety offers unique beauty, allowing you to find the perfect orchid to suit your taste and space. Plus, our orchid prices start from just ₹239, making it easy to add these stunning plants to your home.

Caring for Your Orchid Plant

Taking care of your orchid plant is simpler than you might think. With the right attention, your orchids will bloom beautifully and last for a long time. For detailed guidance on how to care for your orchid, check out our dedicated guide on Orchid Plants Care. This comprehensive resource provides all the tips and tricks you need to keep your orchids healthy and vibrant. Shop with confidence at Plantzone, knowing we provide not only beautiful plants but also the support you need to keep them thriving.


What is so special about orchids?

orchids have a fascinating secret weapon in their world of flowers. Unlike most plants, orchids have a special reproductive strategy. Their flowers have a unique part called the column, which is actually a fusion of the male and female parts (stamen and pistil) into one. This single structure isn't just unique, it's believed to be a key factor in the incredible diversity and adaptability of orchids that collectors love!

Do orchids bloom all year?

No, orchids aren't year-round bloomers! Different varieties flower at specific times throughout the year. But the exciting news is, with proper care, you can get your orchid to re-bloom multiple times a year, extending your enjoyment of those beautiful blooms. Just ask Plantzone about the best care for your orchid variety.

How to water orchids?

Orchids prefer soaking over frequent watering. Submerge the pot in lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes, then let it drain completely. Unlike most plants, orchids don't need constantly moist moss. Water only when the moss dries out to avoid root rot.

What is the best fertilizer for orchids?

Experts recommend a balanced fertilizer, like a 20-20-20 formula, to give your Orchid all the nutrients it needs to thrive. These numbers stand for Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Nitrogen helps your Orchid grow healthy leaves, which is what those beautiful dark green ones you love are made of! We recommend a water-soluble fertilizer for easy application. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer and dilute it properly to avoid overfeeding your Orchid. Remember, less is often more when it comes to feeding Orchids.

Why is orchid so expensive?

Some orchid varieties cost more due to rarity or difficulty growing. Certain endangered species are scarce in nature, making them more valuable. Additionally, some orchids require specific conditions that are hard to recreate in greenhouses, leading to more work for growers. But don't worry! Plantzone has a wide selection of beautiful orchids at affordable prices. We source our plants from growers who prioritize sustainability, so you can bring the elegance of orchids into your home at affordable price.

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