Privacy & Policy

Please go through this privacy policy before using this Plantzone. Our Privacy Policy displays the steps we take to ensure the safety and security of your data. At Plantzone, we value your privacy above all else. We take extra precautions to keep your information protected. All Plantzone members are committed to creating safe online spaces for everyone and have created these Privacy Guidelines that reflect our commitment to safeguarding your personal information.


We collect only the necessary information to conduct our business and provide you with the best possible delivery. This may include your name, phone number, and email address. For some sections, we might inquire about your email address as well but that is optional. Rest assured, Plantzone does not preserve any records of your financial or transaction information or any other banking details. 


Plantzone values the security of its customers’ information, which is why we employ the latest measures to protect their data from unauthorized access. We gather only the necessary user/customer details to run our business and offer top-notch services. To improve customer experience, we use some of this information to analyze customer behavior. Our main goal in collecting data is to ensure the safe and timely delivery of orders to the correct address. At Plantzone, we are committed to protecting our customers’ privacy and ensuring that your personal information is handled safely and responsibly.


Plantzone likes to keep things simple. We don’t save any of your browsing details, or user login data or gather any analysis through cookies about our users. Instead, we gather information from sections like feedback and product reviews. This helps us understand how people use our site. We always keep your personal information secure, protecting it from any sharing or changes.


When you visit our website, you’re agreeing to follow our privacy policy and terms and conditions. This policy is in place to protect the information you share with us. By using our website and submitting any information, you’re giving your consent for that information to be governed by this policy. As a visitor to our website, you’re accepting these terms and can rest assured that your information is being handled responsibly.


Get in touch at for any queries or recommendations regarding our Privacy Policy.

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