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If you’re looking for a plant that will add mesmerizing beauty with the colour transition to upgrade your garden with low maintenance and very easy-to-care plant then you go with a commonly cultivated plant HOYA also called waxy plant.

Description: Hoyas are basically an Asian tropical native plant with deep green leaves, showcasing a leathery texture & dashes with creamy white colour. The plants have star-shaped flowers, which are grouped in parachute-like clusters emitting sweet fragrances that will allure and enhance your garden decoration.
It is a fast-growing vine so you can trail it over the side of a hanging pot or allow it to cling to a vertical trellis. The full length of the Hoya plant is expected to be 2 to 4 feet. One of the most classic significance is that it has a long life span.

General Tips for Hoya Plant Care:-

Sunlight:– It flourishes in brightness but avoids direct light it can scorch or discolour its leaves to protect itself. It requires sunlight for a maximum of 4 hours a day.
Watering:– Hoya plants prefer slightly drier conditions, so make sure your soil is dried before watering otherwise root will rot. Hoya should be watered weekly.
Temperature:– As a tropical plant it flourishes in warm and moist climates so keep temperatures between 15°C-27°C. Hoya plants are sensitive to cold below this crucial temperature the plant will not bloom.
Soil:– Hoya must be grown in well-draining with good airy & moderately moist soil.
Fertilization:– During the growing season (spring and summer) give fertilizer that has a balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in sort NPK fertilizer.
Humidity:– Hoya plants appreciate higher humidity levels. It can tolerate average humidity levels then its growth will slow and bloom lesser than naturally.
Pruning:– Prune to control size and shape. When it doesn’t bloom well cut the unnecessary stalk. Generally, Hoya plants respond well to pruning and can be propagated from cuttings.
Pest:– Keep an eye out for pests like bugs. Remove the dust with a water-soaked cloth and wipe smoothly.
Repotting:– Repot when the plant outgrows its container, During repotting be gentle with plant roots. Generally every 2-3 years you should do it.

Details of Varities Hoya Plant :-

a)Hoya Carnosa:- Hoya carnosa also called the porcelain flower or wax plant. Beautiful, slim vines wearing glossy, deep green leaves with dashes of creamy white with Sweet-scented, star-shaped flowers cluster together, bringing pure elegance to your home garden.
b) Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen:- This is the ultimate beauty with tri-colored leaves and white and pink blooms. The stunning small, structured flowers and unique leaf patterns just amazed. It is a well-looked hanging plant that is easy to maintain. Not only will it add a touch of tropical charm to your home, but the sweet fragrance of its blooms will fill the air.
c) Hoya Obcordata:- Cascading hearts of emerald, Hoya charms with easy grace. Fragrant vanilla stars dance on trailing vines, a touch of magic for your indoor oasis.
d) Hoya Pubicaly X Pink Silver :- Elevate your indoor space with Hoya pubicaly X pink silver, charming hanging plants. These are indoor creeper plants, bringing nature’s beauty indoors with ease.
e) Hoya krohniana :- Elevate your indoor garden with Hoya krohniana, a heart-leafed beauty from the Philippines, cousin to Hoya lacunosa. These climbing plants are perfect for pendant baskets, boasting charming heart-shaped leaves and exquisite yellow star-shaped patterned flowers with a sweet fragrance. A must-have for plant enthusiasts!
f) Hoya Hindu Rope :- Bring a touch of uniqueness to your indoor garden with Hoya Compacta, also known as Hindu Rope Hoya. These plants feature thick, curly leaves that resemble ropes and bloom stunning pink flowers, adding a delightful charm to your space.

How to Propagate Hoya Plant:-If you want to propagate your plant the effective methode is stem cutting with two nodes and rooting it in a wet soil or water filled vessel.

After few weeks when there is a stout roots system you should transfer it into a fertile soil enriched with balanced hormone and partial sunlight.
How to Instigate Hoya Blooms :-Its a challenge for everyone getting bloom their plant. Hoya’s are tropical weather bloomer. So you choose the location proper way where much brightness available properly with partial sunlight. Next is spray water regularly for humid weather but over wet condition can rot the roots, this will trigger for blooming. Use soluable fertilizer for proper food. It can also take Two years for maturity to bloom & bud.
Conclusion :-The Hoya plant is a excellent option to anyone, and with the proper care, its lives green a long. We hope this information about how to care a hoya plant will be helpful for you. If you have any queries or advice for us, don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks for reading.